
Understanding the Psychological Dimensions of Divorce

Friday, June 24th 1-4pm
MBA, 20 West St., Boston

This event will be moderated by Heidi Webb, Esq. along with three seasoned mental health professionals; Claudia Harris, MSW; Kevin Kozin, MTS, LICSW; and Mira Levitt, Ph.D who will present and then lead an informed discussion regarding the interplay among divorce and grief, uncoupling, personality disorders, and the physiological responses to stress and emotion.

MBA members……….FREE


Changing Courts for a Changing World: The 2016 DR Best Practice Court Institute for Judges, Magistrates, Facilitators and Sherlocks

June 6th, 2016
Denver, Colorado

Heidi Webb, Esq., and Judge Julie Kunce Field will present on Restructuring Families through the Consilium® Process.

Too often, DR litigants start at the beginning (i.e., “I want a divorce”) and don’t plan for the end – the separate finances, the shared parenting. The process is reactive and not always productive. How much time do you spend as a judge or magistrate putting out fires? Imagine a different way. The Consilium® Process is an innovative approach that provides families with guidance, resources and support and better equips judges to address fundamental issues. Conceived by attorney Heidi Webb, the process starts at the “end” to help litigants pragmatically assess their financial needs and children’s interests and to realistically evaluate possible outcomes and the processes required to meet those needs.


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Dissolution to Evolution

Navigating Your Divorce Through The Consilium Process

This book, that describes the Consilium Process, was developed to help people considering divorce to simultaneously create a parallel path of personal growth. It highlights common scenarios, presents thoughtful options and constructs optimal outcomes. The workbook helps people structure and pre-think their process so that logic can prevail during a time fraught with high emotion.

Consilium Divorce Consultations can Help you Gain Clarity and Control.

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