The Consilium® Process

The Consilum® Process is a unique, proprietary seven-step process developed by Heidi R. Webb and deployed solely by Consilium® Divorce Consultations, which  holistically addresses the key legal, emotional, and logistical issues people confront when facing a possible divorce, with the goal of charting the optimal path to achieving each client’s distinctive long-term life goals for themselves and their family.

Consilium® 7-step Process Elements are:

Interview and Intake: What to Expect

Assessment and Envisioning a Future

Creating a Parallel Path

Choosing the Right Divorce Process

Finding Appropriate Counsel and Professional Supports

Staying on Track


Dissolution to Evolution

Navigating Your Divorce Through The Consilium Process

This book, that describes the Consilium Process, was developed to help people considering divorce to simultaneously create a parallel path of personal growth. It highlights common scenarios, presents thoughtful options and constructs optimal outcomes. The workbook helps people structure and pre-think their process so that logic can prevail during a time fraught with high emotion.

Consilium Divorce Consultations can Help you Gain Clarity and Control.

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