Our Team

Lisa Mancini
Lisa Mancini
Lisa Mancini joined Consilium Divorce Consultations in 2013. As our Office Manager, Lisa is available to help clients through all of the administrative and logistical aspects which help them move forward, from gathering financial and supporting documents to arranging meetings with legal counsel and/or mediators. Lisa is also responsible for handling all of the administrative and financial support functions at Consilium.
When she’s not at the office, Lisa enjoys reading, spin class and spending time with her husband, and two growing children.
Dissolution to Evolution
Navigating Your Divorce Through The Consilium Process
This book, that describes the Consilium Process, was developed to help people considering divorce to simultaneously create a parallel path of personal growth. It highlights common scenarios, presents thoughtful options and constructs optimal outcomes. The workbook helps people structure and pre-think their process so that logic can prevail during a time fraught with high emotion.