Consilium Grows Its Impact

Consilium Grows Its Impact

Consilium’s growth has been the result of many minds and hearts working together to build a better system, and its evolution reminds me of the 12th century theologian and author John of Salisbury’s phrasing in his 1159 treatise on logic, Metalogicon, when he wrote:...
When the Truth Hurts…

When the Truth Hurts…

Quite some time ago when my son was bussing tables at Bertucci’s he came across a note written on a napkin, and thinking I might find it interesting he gave it to me to read.  I did in fact find it interesting and set it aside imagining that one-day I might want to...
Identity and Autonomy…80 Years and Counting

Identity and Autonomy…80 Years and Counting

Picking up on my previous blog post where I wrote about my travels in Spain and the elephant proverb relative to misunderstandings about parts and wholes, this post will explore the political and emotional factors interwoven into the Catalan secession movement....
Your Lens Matters

Your Lens Matters

In my experience leaving home gives perspective in a way that staying home never can. Having recently returned from traveling in Spain, I was struck by the difference between the news of violence I’d been absorbing at home about the actions of Catalans to secede from...

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