Elastic Time

Elastic Time

Events and scents, sights and sounds can, in a nanosecond, transport us back in time. Sometimes we are brought to a beautiful place or time; other times we are abruptly carried back to sad and painful memories.  Sometimes both happen at the same time. Such was...
Irreverently Yours

Irreverently Yours

Recently, while having a conversation about metacognition with Matt Hampton, founder of Envoy Design, we got to talking about the many kinds of lenses that inform our world views.  In addition to his usual work (which isn’t really that usual), Matt is co-host of...
Be An Outrageous Older Woman

Be An Outrageous Older Woman

Photo of my Mom, Gertrude M. Webb, in Iceland – circa 2004 Long before America Ferrara made her iconic 2023 Barbie speech about women’s inability to ever “get it right”, the 1991 book, “Be An Outrageous Older Woman”, by Ruth Harriet Jacobs, a gerontologist at...
Perfect is Not a Word

Perfect is Not a Word

Recently at a photography exhibit, I was gob smacked by Los Angeles photographer Corinne Cobabe’s portfolio Perfect is Not a Word. Her accompanying artist’s statement was “Nice big home. Nice cars. Nice things. Big family. Very religious. High standards. Arguments....
Muses and Musing

Muses and Musing

Recently I had the opportunity to visit the inspiring Corning Museum of Glass. However, my visit coincided with a previous commitment that was made to be interviewed on Judy Heft’s podcast.   So… I decided to arrive early at the museum and see if I could...
“Organizing Your Overwhelm” – Three Perspectives

“Organizing Your Overwhelm” – Three Perspectives

On a personal level, it’s the overwhelm.  The sense that you are out of your depth. Airdropped into a land of chaos. With little to no direction about how to move forward. What a divorce process looks like depends upon who is looking.  For someone at the...
You Could Make This Place Beautiful

You Could Make This Place Beautiful

I recently listened to Maggie Smith read her latest book, You Could Make This Place Beautiful. I was moved by the magnificence of her poetic voice as she unraveled the pain of her divorce and after-marriage, during which she candidly acknowledged  “I don’t have...
What is the Price of Peace of Mind?

What is the Price of Peace of Mind?

Earlier this week I listened to Ezra Klein’s podcast interview of Marilynne Robinson, whom I’d never heard speak before. Initially, to my ear her voice sounded almost childlike, timid while also being sort of awestruck. The more I listened to her, the more I was drawn...
Believing is Seeing

Believing is Seeing

I have a grandnephew turning three years old today.  Being born on Valentine’s Day seems special, but the “holiday-ness” of his birthday seems even more striking knowing that his father, my nephew Joey, is a “Leap Year baby”.  As I thought about this, I...

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