He Said She Said

He Said She Said

While Laura and I were discussing some issues related to her impending divorce, she asked me if I’d ever watched Louis CK. When I told her I hadn’t, she directed me to a Youtube clip she thought was particularly hilarious, and told me that it had helped her as she...
In The Clutch

In The Clutch

In a recent conversation I had with a financial analyst friend of mine, he brought up the idea of decision-making “in the clutch”. In an effort to better understand whether in retrospect decisions he had made to sell off under-performing stocks, had in the long run...
Announcing New & Improved Website

Announcing New & Improved Website

Spring is in the air and after this winter,  I think it’s palpable to all of us! In the spirit of Spring and new beginnings, we want to introduce you to our new website: ConsiliumDivorce.com. While creating this website, we encountered a number of trials and...
Morticia, Gomez & Cousin It

Morticia, Gomez & Cousin It

I recently read the biography of the cartoonist Chas Addams (Charlie to those who knew him), popularized both by his New Yorker cartoons and the 1960’s television show, The Addams Family. His multiple marriages and many love affairs with socialites, actresses and...
Symbol Significance

Symbol Significance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many years ago while in graduate school at Harvard taking a course in Counseling Psychology, I first learned that the Chinese Symbol for “crisis” was actually the combination of two symbols; one was for danger and the other for...
Less is More

Less is More

My youngest child is sixteen years old. It’s been a long time since she had any real attachment to the multitude of stuffed animals that had found their way into our hearts and home. Somehow though, holding onto them seemed right for a very long time… until this past...
In The Clutch

Through the Eyes of Children

Recently my son suggested I listen to a rap song written by Eminem, as he thought it would strike a chord with me and remind me of the time I spent working as a social worker for the Massachusetts Department of Social Services (now the Department of Children and...

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