Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

The word divorce means what exactly? In writing blogs, one of my goals is to educate people about the divorce process, and how they can best position themself for a successful outcome and a more growth-oriented experience. Recently, it has occurred to me after running...
Her Story

Her Story

When I awoke this past Sunday morning, I heard robins chirping outside my bedroom window. Immediately my eyes followed my ears to the nest they were building on the same beam they’ve built a nest on for at least the past 20 years.  My next thought brought me back...
Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God

While having a fascinating and meandering conversation during a book group in which we were discussing How To Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi, someone commented that Their Eyes Were Watching God was the best book she’d ever read. I was sort of dumbstruck. Not only...
A Lover of Life, Family and the Law

A Lover of Life, Family and the Law

Last week marked twenty-one years since my father was alive and yet he lives with me every day.  Having practiced law with him for ten years, I had the great privilege of knowing him not only as my father but also as my mentor, my colleague, my partner and my...


I wrote this yesterday, the day after the inauguration, and want to share it with you as my immediate unvarnished first-thoughts, as a time-capsule of this moment of historical transition. Pretty immediately after the swearing in of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as the...

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