Going to Court… Remotely*

Going to Court… Remotely*

“I appeared in Court on behalf of a client.”  That sentence, spoken often by lawyers, somehow now seems a bit off the mark. What exactly is the appearance being made? If it’s “telephonic” or “on screen” as opposed to a physical presence, is “appearance” still the...
People, Pronouns and Divorce

People, Pronouns and Divorce

It was 1986 when I began practicing law in the state of Massachusetts, and gay marriage was still seventeen years away from the landmark Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court case in which the Court held that the Massachusetts Constitution requires the state to...

Blizzard of Change

On this day of blizzarding snow as I’m steeped in reflections of 2020 and eagerly anticipate changes in 2021, I imagine our fresh white blanketed earth symbolically enveloping us in hope. Hope manifests in many forms and often is most visceral on the heels of...
Incantation Bowls: Contracts in Clay

Incantation Bowls: Contracts in Clay

The following blogpost was written in collaboration with my son, Adam Singer. Adam is a writer with a curious mind, a great interest in historical and biblical texts, and a savvy social media millennial.  I’m grateful for his perspective and his social media help, and...
The Extent of Alimony

The Extent of Alimony

As told to me by my father…. “There is not some justice. There is either justice or injustice.” Which is this, and does perspective matter? Recently the Massachusetts Appellate Court issued the Clement vs. Owens-Clement decision, a case involving a post-marital...
House Painting by Risa Teksten

House Painting by Risa Teksten

The following blogpost was written by Risa Teksten. Risa is a compassionate, reflective, and strong woman, who I’ve had the privilege of getting to know as she and her “wasband” / the forever father of her children, worked to thoughtfully restructure their...
Aristotle and RBG

Aristotle and RBG

Life is so warped and moves at such warp speed these days that it hardly seems possible it’s been less than a month since the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, such a tiny giant. Reflecting on her life, I think she must have had a childhood filled with affirmation and...
What’s One Thing that’s Better on Zoom?

What’s One Thing that’s Better on Zoom?

An interview by Nick Morgan of PublicWords.com Heidi Webb is here to talk about life on lockdown for a mediator.  As they say on the Internet, her answers surprised me.  They may surprise you. Nick:  All of us are learning to work in the...
Packrat? Neat-nick? Memory-Keeper?

Packrat? Neat-nick? Memory-Keeper?

I’m a packrat, or a memory-keeper as I prefer to think about it. But truth be told much as I try to whittle my life down to essentials I seem to always want to hold onto already read books (alright my grandfather’s entire law library), mementos (ok playbills from high...
Is There Normal in Abnormal Times

Is There Normal in Abnormal Times

When only a few months ago at the beginning of these unprecedented times I often said and heard others say, how they couldn’t wait to get back to “normal”.  As time went by, it seemed that we talked less about getting back to “normal” and more...

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